ニュースRSS一覧(英) https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/rss/newslist.rss ニュースRSS一覧(英) en Copyright(C) Doshisha University All Rights Reserved. Mon, 10 Feb 2025 18:31:58 +0900 http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss Important: Revision of Fees for Immigration Procedures

The Immigration Services Agency of Japan has announced that fees for immigration procedures, such as changing the status of residence and extending the period of stay, will be revised starting April 1, 2025.

List of Revised Fees

Please refer to the list of revised fees in the file above.

Key Points

  • The revised fees will apply to applications received on or after April 1, 2025.
  • For applications received by March 31, 2025, the old fees will be charged, even if the permission or issuance of your residence card is granted after April 1.
  • For more details, please visit the Immigration Services Agency of Japan's website.


  • Applications for the extension of the period of stay can be submitted up to 3 months before the expiry date of your residence card.
  • Many international students apply for an extension or change of residence status in March. Therefore, we prioritize applications based on the earliest expiry date of the residence card. This means that if you submit your application documents to the Office of International Students in mid-March or late March, there is a possibility that you may not be able to apply for the extension or change of residence status in March.
  • While we check your application documents, you must submit them in person at the immigration bureau.

References: 出入国在留管理局. (2025). 在留手続き等に関する手数料の改定. 


国際センター 留学生課



国際センター 留学生課(京田辺)



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-86GBAG.html Notices Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:08:38 +0900
Report: “Let's try Fukuwarai!” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, this is SIED. 

On Thursday, January 9th, we held an event called "Let's try Fukuwarai!" with a total of 6 participants: 4 international students and 2 local students. 
In this event, we challenged ourselves to play Fukuwarai, a traditional Japanese New Year game. 
First, SIED introduced the culture of the Japanese New Year, including explaining the meanings of "Hatsumode" (the first shrine visit of the year) and "Osechi" (traditional New Year food). After that, we had the international students share the customs of the New Year in their own countries.
We discovered many similarities, such as similar New Year games between Taiwan and Japan, which created a lively and enjoyable atmosphere. 
During the Fukuwarai game, one participant wore a blindfold while the others guided them to place facial features to complete a face.
The participants struggled to predict the placement and adjust the orientation of the facial parts, but many unique faces were created.
Throughout the event, there was constant conversation and laughter, and we were able to enjoy Fukuwarai in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
The staff was very pleased with how the event went. 
We would like to thank everyone who participated. 

SIED will continue to hold various international exchange events in the future. 




国際センター 留学生課



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-1WtqFi.html Spotlights Thu, 23 Jan 2025 14:23:54 +0900
Report: “Let’s balfolk dance!” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, this is SIED. 

On Friday, December 20th, we held a SIED event, "Let’s balfolk dance!" at the International Community Lounge on the Kyotanabe Campus. 
A total of 16 participants, including 7 international students and 9 local students, joined the event.
Thanks to the many participants, the International Exchange Lounge was filled with energy and excitement.
The dance routines we tried during the event were simple, so even beginners could feel comfortable and enjoy themselves.
Additionally, SIED staff members also participated, dancing together with everyone.
It seems that even those meeting for the first time were able to bond and become friends through the dance. 

Thank you to everyone who participated! 
SIED will continue to host various international exchange events in the future. 




国際センター 留学生課(京田辺)



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-epCSEa.html Spotlights Tue, 21 Jan 2025 14:41:33 +0900
Report: “Let’s learn local Japanese culture! -Okayama edition-” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, this is SIED.

On Wednesday, January 8th, we held the event "Let’s learn local Japanese culture! -Okayama edition-" with a total of six participants: two international students and four local students.
In this event, we introduced Kojima jeans from Okayama Prefecture and engaged participants in creating necklaces, small accessories case, or straps using genuine Kojima denim fabric.
This was the second installment of the “Let’s learn local Japanese culture!” series, following the spring semester’s Okinawa-themed event featuring star sand crafting.
The event spotlighted regional Japanese culture, starting with a quiz to learn about Okayama and Kojima.
Participants also shared information about their hometowns’ specialties, local festivals, and other unique features.
Afterward, everyone focused on crafting their creations by tearing and cutting denim fabric.
Interestingly, many participants turned out to be quite skilled, completing their pieces smoothly.
Some even adorned necklaces with denim feather motifs they made and wore them home after the event.

We at SIED would be delighted if this event inspired participants to visit Okayama someday.
SIED will continue to organize a variety of international exchange events.




国際センター 留学生課



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-w2UlSo.html Spotlights Wed, 15 Jan 2025 16:27:40 +0900
[Research News] Safe and Energy-Efficient Quasi-Solid Battery for Electric Vehicles and Devices
20240327ResearchNews New quasi-solid-state lithium-ion-battery can revolutionize the widespread application of electric vehicles and devices
Researchers from Doshisha University, Japan, develop a novel quasi-solid-state lithium-ion battery (LIB) with non-flammable solid and liquid electrolytes. The battery has higher ionic conductivity, improved cycle performance, and better safety than conventional LIBs.※

The research team, including Mr. Ryosuke Kido,a second-year doctoral fellow and Takayuki Doi, professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Molecular Chemistry and Biochemistry develop a quasi-solid-state lithium-ion battery with improved stability, safety, and longevity.

Electric devices and vehicles offer a sustainable and economical alternative to fuel-driven machines. However, concerns about the safety and longevity of conventional lithium ion batteries (LIBs) persist. A study from Doshisha University aimed to develop a novel flame-retardant quasi-solid-state battery by combining solid and liquid electrolytes. With higher safety and durability and improved performance, the new LIB has the potential to transform the applications of electric vehicles and devices.

Ryosuke Kido, Taisuke Horikawa, Atsushi Sano, Tsuyoshi Nagashima, Ryo Okada, Minoru Inaba, Takayuki Doi, Highly safe quasi-solid-state lithium ion batteries with two kinds of nearly saturated and non-flammable electrolyte solutions. Journal of Energy Storage, 102, 114115, 2024,
DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2024.114115

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
 Safe and Energy-Efficient Quasi-Solid Battery for Electric Vehicles and Devices

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”NEWS RELEASE 13-JAN-2025,
[Research News] Safe and Energy-Efficient Quasi-Solid Battery for Electric Vehicles and Devices

Credit: Ryosuke Kido from Doshisha University
License type:Original content
Usage restriction:Credit must be given to the creator.

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-SsPBw5.html Spotlights Tue, 14 Jan 2025 13:38:39 +0900
[Research News] Connecting Through Culture: Understanding Its Relevance in Intercultural Lingua Franca Communication
20240327ResearchNews Understanding the influence of cultural identity in intercultural communication.
Culture may or may not be a relevant factor in intercultural communications for people globally. In this study, Professor Stadler from Doshisha University examines the relevance of intercultural communications.※

Professor Stefanie Alexa Stadler, Faculty of Letters Department of English, discusses how cultural differences can affect the dynamics of informal communications in a new linguistic report.

Intercultural communication is vital in today’s growing and connected world. However, differences in cultural and linguistic practices often result in miscommunication. Emphasizing the relevance of culture in informal communication, Professor Stadler explores how cultural differences can affect interaction patterns. The study discusses diverse interactions from East and Southeast Asian settings to reveal how culture often becomes the focal point in conversation, which plays a vital role in international communication.

Stadler, S. (2024). When culture becomes relevant in intercultural lingua franca communication.World Englishes, 1–19.

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
 Connecting Through Culture: Understanding Its Relevance in Intercultural Lingua Franca Communication

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”NEWS RELEASE 10-JAN-2025,
[Research News] Connecting Through Culture: Understanding Its Relevance in Intercultural Lingua Franca Communication

Multicultural Globe by Jimee, Jackie, Tom & Asha
License type:CC BY SA 2.0
Usage restriction:Credit must be given to the creator. Adaptations must be shared under the same terms. 

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-kJgmfe.html Spotlights Tue, 14 Jan 2025 13:35:23 +0900
Report: “International Exchange Through Music” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, this is SIED. 

On December 17th (Tuesday), we held an event titled "International Exchange Through Music" at the Imadegawa International Lounge, with 6 participants in total—3 international students and 3 local students. 
The event began with an icebreaker where the participants shared their favorite music and singers with each other.
It seemed that many of the participants favored Japanese artists.
After that, we held an activity where everyone contributed one line of lyrics, and together we created a song.
The song included lyrics in both Japanese and English, which resulted in a unique composition that transcended languages!
Since each participant came up with a different line, the song developed an unexpectedly intriguing storyline. 

We are happy to see that the interest in music brought everyone closer together, and the SIED staff is very pleased. SIED will continue to organize various international exchange events in the future. 




国際センター 留学生課



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-7SUXlM.html Spotlights Wed, 08 Jan 2025 16:25:14 +0900
【Submission Required】To international students who will continue to study in the academic year 2025 (This information applies to all international students who hold a status of residence "STUDENT")

In this web page, you can find the important information regarding the documents and the web forms you are required to submit upcoming academic year (2025).If you will continue to study in the academic year (2025), please be sure to read this webpage carefully and submit them by the deadline.

Status of Residence・Contact Information Notification Form (Mandatory for all students)

You have been granted a status of residence "Student" by the regional immigration services bureau as a qualification to study and research at Doshisha University. The university must report your residence card information and whereabouts to the Immigration Bureau by the designated date. Therefore, if you do not submit your residence card and contact information, there is a possibility that your residence visa will be adversely affected. To avoid a such situation, please be sure to submit them via the web form below by the deadline.

Eligible Applicants

International students who will continue to study in the academic year 2025 (Not applicable to students of the Center for Global Education and Japanese Studies and students who are taking a leave of absence)

Submission deadline

By 5:00 p.m. JST. Friday, March 21, 2025

Submission document & web form

  1. Please download the "Residence Card Image Submission Format (Excel)".
  2. Please take pictures of your residence card (front-back both sides) and student ID card (front side only) and paste on the designated places of the submission format.
  3. Please access the web form below, enter your personal information: faculty or graduate school, contact information, address, and items on the residence card, and upload the “Residence Card Image Submission Format (Excel)”.


  • In order to use the web form, the user ID and password issued by Doshisha University are required. If you don’t know your user ID and password, please contact to the Office of International Students.
  • Please report that you don't have a residence card yet at first via the web form in case you cannot get it by the deadline because you cannot enter Japan or you have any other specific reason. After you enter Japan and get a new residence card, please take pictures of your residence card (front-back both sides) and student ID card (front side only) and paste on the designated places of the submission format and submit it via the web form.

Report Form Regarding Your Information During Taking a Leave of Absence (Mandatory for those who are taking a leave of absence)

If you are currently taking a leave of absence, please be sure to report your contact information, expected time of re-enrollment of Doshisha University and so on to the Office of International Students. Please make sure to submit the web form by the deadline.

Eligible Applicants

Students who are taking a leave of absence

Submission deadline

By 5:00 p.m. JST. Friday, March 21, 2025

Submission web form

Those who are currently taking a leave of absence are required to submit “Web Form Regarding Your Information During Taking a Leave of Absence” instead of submitting the “Residence Status / Contact Information Notification Web Form”.

Doshisha University International Student Scholarship Recommendation Request Form

If you are a regular international student and wish to be nominated for a scholarship requiring a university recommendation, you need to submit the “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” via the web form.

Please note that if you fail to report the required information on your Status of Residence etc. via the “Status of Residence・Contact Information Notification Web Form” or "Report Form Regarding Your Information During Taking a Leave of Absence", your “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” will be rejected.

Eligible applicants

You must be at least one of the following in order to submit “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form”.

  1. A regular student holding a “Student Visa” 
    ※Students in double-degree programs with college student visas are among those considered regular students.
    ※Those who don't currently hold a “Student Visa” since you are unable to enter Japan due to the specific reason are also eligible for applying this as long as you are expected to hold it once you come to Japan.
  2.  A regular student who was accepted to Doshisha University via the “Examination for International Students”.

※ If you have been already awarded an outside scholarship for the 2025–2026 academic year or are scheduled to receive an outside scholarship until your graduation, you are not eligible to be nominated, so submission of the “Request Form” is not required.

Submission deadline

By 5:00 p.m. JST. Monday, April 7, 2025

Submission document & web form

  1. Please download the "Scholarship Recommendation Request Form (Excel)".
  2. Please fill in the "Scholarship Recommendation Request Form (Excel)".
  3. Please access the web form below, enter your personal information: faculty or graduate school, contact information, and upload the "Scholarship Recommendation Request Form (Excel)".


  • The “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” is not an application form for any particular scholarship. Submission of the “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” expresses that you would like to be nominated to a scholarship requiring a university recommendation (such as a JASSO scholarship). The “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” is used as reference material when we select candidates for scholarships.
  • If you are nominated, the OIS will contact you by phone or e-mail. The period of nomination varies by scholarship, so you may be contacted at any time during the year. Students who are not nominated will not be contacted.
  • If you fail to submit the “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” by the deadline, you will not be qualified to be nominated for any scholarships requiring a university recommendation during the 2025 academic year.

Other documents you need to check

Although you don't need to submit these documents below, please be sure to read them carefully.

  • 2025年春【英】みなし再入国許可申請 (108682)
Procedure for Temporary Departure from Japan


If you are planning to re-enter Japan within 1 year, you must present your residence card and ED card at departure and tell them that you are going to re-enter. Please be sure to check this document before you leave Japan temporarily.

  • 2025年春【英】メール転送 (108678)
Forwarding Emails from Office 365


In order to reduce the risk of missing e-mails, we highly recommend that you set forwarding e-mails which are delivered to your DU address to your private e-mail address. Please make sure to read this document if you have not completed this setting.

  • 2025年春【英】メールアプリの利用 (108679)
Using the App of University Email


We recommend you to use the smartphone app for using university email since there are less troubles comparing to forwarding emails. Please be sure to check this document if you have not used this smartphone app.

  • 2025年春【英】防災ガイドブック (108680)
Helpful Apps and Websites in the Event of Disaster


Japan experiences many natural disasters. To stay safe, we recommend downloading useful apps and bookmarking websites about disaster preparedness.

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-y9eRqi.html Notices Mon, 06 Jan 2025 09:00:00 +0900
Report: “Let's make Shimenawa or Shimekazari!” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, this is SIED.

On Thursday, December 5th, we held the "Let's make Shimenawa or Shimekazari!" event, which was attended by 8 international students and 3 local students, for a total of 11 participants.
During this event, participants decorated shimenawa (New Year's decorations) with flowers and mizuhiki (decorative cords) to create their own original designs.
At the beginning of the event, we had an icebreaker activity where participants shared how they usually spend the New Year.
Afterward, everyone selected their favorite decorations and enjoyed decorating the shimekazari while chatting with one another.
Some participants decorated their shimekazari simply with only mizuhiki, while others made their decorations colorful and elaborate by using various flowers.
In the end, everyone created their own unique shimenawa!
After the event, we received feedback from participants such as, "It was fun!" and "I wish there were more decorations like the tai (fish), tawara (rice bale), or folding fans."

SIED will continue to organize various international exchange events in the future.





国際センター 留学生課



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-esaLDS.html Spotlights Thu, 26 Dec 2024 16:20:53 +0900
Report: “Let’s make yatsuhashi!” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, this is SIED. 

On December 7th (Saturday), we held an event called "Let’s make yatsuhashi!" with a total of 11 participants, including 7 international students and 4 local students. 
Through the experience of making yatsuhashi, participants deepened their knowledge of this iconic Kyoto sweet while enjoying international exchange. 
During the activity, everyone worked together in a friendly atmosphere, supporting each other in the process of making yatsuhashi.
From the very beginning, where they prepared the dough, to rolling it, cutting it, and filling it with paste, all tasks were done by the participants themselves.
Each person made their own unique yatsuhashi, and at the end, they enjoyed their handmade yatsuhashi with matcha tea.
They seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience of creating their own personalized yatsuhashi. After the event, participants shared comments such as, "It was fun!" and "The yatsuhashi was delicious!" 

SIED will continue to organize various international exchange events in the future. 




国際センター 留学生課



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-jDkmkZ.html Spotlights Thu, 26 Dec 2024 14:34:37 +0900
Report: “Let's try PowerPoint-Karaoke!” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, this is SIED. 

On December 17th (Tuesday) and December 19th (Thursday), we held the SIED event "Let's try PowerPoint-Karaoke!" at the International Lounge on the Kyotanabe campus. 
The event was attended by 5 international students and 3 local students, totaling 8 participants. 
PowerPoint Karaoke is a popular activity in Germany, where participants give an impromptu presentation using a PowerPoint presentation they have never seen before.
For this event, we decided on a theme using a roulette wheel, and participants gave impromptu presentations based on 5 randomly displayed slides.
Both the presenters and the audience were highly engaged, and the atmosphere was filled with laughter and excitement throughout the event.
We are very happy with how it turned out.
Thank you to everyone who participated.

SIED will continue to hold various international exchange events in the future, so please feel free to join us.




国際センター 留学生課(京田辺)



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-aB1jD4.html Spotlights Tue, 24 Dec 2024 16:40:39 +0900
Report: “Let's try paper-making!” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, we are SIED. 

On Wednesday, December 11th, we held an event titled "Let's try paper-making!" with 4 participants in total: 1 international student and 3 local students. 
For this event, we received support from the "Washi Club," and the participants experienced and learned the traditional Japanese papermaking process using Kozo (paper mulberry) as the material. 
The participants started by making the paper, removing excess water from it, and then drawing pictures on the paper.
Afterward, they dried their creations using an iron plate.
Throughout this process, everyone worked together in a friendly atmosphere, consulting each other when they were unsure about the steps or what to draw.
Each person completed their own unique piece of washi paper. 
After the event, participants expressed their joy, saying things like, "It was fun!" and "I’m glad I got to learn about washi paper." 

SIED will continue to plan various international exchange events in the future!.




国際センター 留学生課



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-vYcLkh.html Spotlights Fri, 20 Dec 2024 14:16:14 +0900
[Research News] Walking Speed as a Simple Predictor of Metabolic Health in Obese Individuals
20240327ResearchNews A Flowchart illustrating the study participants, including exclusions based on age and missing data, and categorization by obesity criteria (BMI and waist circumference).
Researchers from Doshisha University used walking speed assessments to reveal that individuals with obesity who perceived their subjective walking speed as fast had a lower likelihood of metabolic diseases. This study highlights the potential for earlier intervention in preventing the cascade of diseases associated with obesity.※

Professor Kojiro Ishii, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, and his team reveal subjective walking speed as a quick, equipment-free tool for identifying metabolic health risks.
Ishii’s team has found that subjective walking speed, assessed by asking individuals to compare their pace with peers, is linked to lower odds of metabolic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia in individuals with obesity. This simple, equipment-free assessment could serve as an effective tool in health examinations, paving the way for earlier interventions to prevent the “metabolic domino effect” triggered by obesity-related disorders.

Yuiko Yamamoto, Kentaro Ikeue, Megumi Kanasaki, Hajime Yamakage, Kan Oishi, Takaaki Mori, Noriko Satoh-Asahara, Izuru Masuda & Kojiro Ishii. Association between subjective walking speed and metabolic diseases in individuals with obesity: a cross-sectional analysis. Sci Rep 14, 28228 (2024).

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
 Walking Speed as a Simple Predictor of Metabolic Health in Obese Individuals.

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”NEWS RELEASE 19-DEC-2024,
[Research News] Walking Speed as a Simple Predictor of Metabolic Health in Obese Individuals

Credit: Kojiro Ishii from Doshisha University, Japan
License type:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Usage restriction:Credit must be given to the creator. Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted. No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-dGWcv6.html Spotlights Thu, 19 Dec 2024 14:30:00 +0900
Report: “Would you like to join a seminar about the JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers?” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, this is SIED. 

We held the SIED event “Would you like to join a seminar about the JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers?" on December 4th (Wed.).
In this event, Ms. MORITA Etsuko introduced Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, and then, Ms. IETANI Noriko gave a presentation.
Ms. Ietani devoted herself to math and science education in Ghana, Samoa, and Indonesia.
She vigorously told us about math and science education in those countries and international cooperation, introducing daily life at assigned locations.
After the lecture, we had the Q&A session. Participants actively asked various questions such as, “What kind of training will members undergo?” and “What do you think is important as an international cooperation volunteer?”.
Lecturers answered these questions one by one, so this was a great opportunity to deepen thoughts on international cooperation!
Thank you very much, Ms. Morita and Ms. Ietani.

We are planning a more intercultural event that encourages Doshisha University students’ international contributions.




国際センター 留学生課(京田辺)



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-I5uvLg.html Spotlights Thu, 19 Dec 2024 12:44:07 +0900
Report: “ENJOY A PICNIC ON THE LAWN” (Presented by SIED)
Hello, this is SIED.

On November 5th (Tuesday), we held the SIED event "ENJOY A PICNIC ON THE LAWN." A total of 19 local students and 9 international students participated.
The open lawn setting allowed many participants to enjoy interacting with each other.
During the lunch break, the international exchange while sharing a meal was lively, and most people communicated in English. Additionally, since the event was held outside the usual International Lounge where SIED typically organizes events, some participants showed interest in SIED itself and asked questions about our activities.

SIED will continue to organize various international exchange events in the future.




国際センター 留学生課(京田辺)



https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ois/en/news/detail/056-Nw7VYP.html Spotlights Thu, 19 Dec 2024 12:43:13 +0900