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Tokyo Satellite Campus

The Tokyo Satellite Campus is the hub for Doshisha’s education, research, university reform and other activities in the Tokyo metropolitan area. It is engaged in the collection and dissemination of essential information, and assists with university-organized events, educational and research activities, collaboration with government and industry, and students’ job-hunting activities. The Office also functions as a venue for information exchange and interaction among Doshisha alumni.

lounge seminar room for students


Kyobashi East Building 3F, 2-7-19 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to, 104-0031

Access to Tokyo Satellite Campus

Support Functions

Job Hunting Support

Doshisha University has maintained consistently high graduate job placement rates even in the face of very tight job markets. At the Tokyo Satellite Campus, students can receive individual advice on their search for employment, gather information via the internet and other means, peruse job hunting and recruitment magazines, use changing facilities, and obtain certificates of prospective graduation, academic transcripts, medical examination records and certification for student discounts.

Collaboration with Industry and Government

For the purposes of advancing projects involving collaboration between the university and partners in industry and government, the Tokyo Satellite Campus can be used as a venue for exchange of academic information and interaction with representatives from Tokyo area companies, government offices and agencies, and research institutes.

Doshisha University Lectures in Tokyo

The “Doshisha University Lectures in Tokyo” have been operating since 1997 with the aim of sharing our university’s educational and research outcomes with audiences in the Tokyo area. Since the 2005 academic year, the Tokyo Satellite Campus has played host to a series of lectures presenting highly specialized content along pertinent themes including “Christianity,” “Joseph Hardy Neesima” and “Doshisha”.

Education / Research Exchange and Other Activities

The Tokyo Satellite Campus incorporates a seminar room and a meeting room, that may be used for events such as those hosted by Doshisha University, study meetings for Doshisha faculty and staff, meetings of faculty-level parents’ associations, and gatherings organized by alumni groups.

Opening Hours

Days Opening Hours
Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sat Closed

*The Office is closed on university holidays, Sundays and national holidays.

For inquiry, please contact :

Tokyo Branch Office

Telephone : +81-3-6228-7260

Contact Us

For further information, please visit Tokyo Satellite Campus (in Japanese)
Tokyo Satellite Campus (in Japanese)