卒業生の方へ_RSSニュースリスト(英) https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/rss/alumni_newslist.rss 卒業生の方へ_RSSニュースリスト(英) en Copyright(C) Doshisha University All Rights Reserved. Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:55:18 +0900 http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss [Research News] A New Method for Sustainable Synthesis of Acetylene from Carbon Dioxide
20240327ResearchNews Concept of the highly efficient acetylene synthesis process from CO2 using two-step electrolysis
The innovative process, which does not require fossil fuels, can pave the way for a sustainable acetylene-based industry.

Researchers, including Yuta Suzuki, Assistant Professor at the Harris Science Research Institute, have developed a novel method for synthesizing acetylene from carbon dioxide without using fossil fuels.

Conventional acetylene synthesis methods rely on fossil fuels. A new process is required for its sustainable synthesis to reduce its carbon footprint. In a new study, researchers from Doshisha University and Daikin Industries Ltd developed a novel method for synthesizing acetylene from carbon dioxide via calcium carbide without using fossil fuels. This innovative process can contribute to realizing a sustainable acetylene-based industry.

Yuta Suzuki, Seiya Tanaka, Takashi Watanabe, Takane Tsuchii, Tomohiro Isogai, Akiyoshi Yamauchi, Yosuke Kishikawa, Takuya Goto. High-efficient acetylene synthesis by selective electrochemical formation of CO₂-derived CaC₂. Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 494, 2024, 153013

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.  
[Research News] A New Method for Sustainable Synthesis of Acetylene from Carbon Dioxide

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 15-JUL-2024, A New Method for Sustainable Synthesis of Acetylene from Carbon Dioxide

Image Credit: Yuta Suzuki and Takuya Goto from Doshisha University
License type: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-zKOwkl.html Spotlights Mon, 22 Jul 2024 12:53:31 +0900
[Research News] Target tracking strategy in bats: Integration of echolocation and flight tactics
20240327ResearchNews A Japanese greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus nippon) chasing a moth in an experiment chamber

A research team* from the National Institute for Basic Biology of Japan and Doshisha University used free-moving bats chasing moths as a realistic model of target tracking. They found that bats used the four key tactics and organized them effectively to track prey accurately. The team also proposed a possible operational rule enabling bats to exercise this strategy efficiently.

The ability to "target track" is essential for various activities and has improved in animals and machines through the evolution of life and technology. Because most sensing systems are inevitably subject to a certain degree of delay caused by information processing, many studies have addressed the challenge of overcoming this delay constraint for more accurate target tracking. Studying animals' sophisticated tracking behavior would bring a significant breakthrough in this fundamental problem.

Nozomi Nishiumi: National Institute for Basic Biology, National Institutes of Natural Science
Emyo Fujioka: Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University
Shizuko Hiryu: Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha Universityn.

Nozomi Nishiumi, Emyo Fujioka, Shizuko Hiryu, Bats integrate multiple echolocation and flight tactics to track prey, Current Biology, 2024.

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.  
[Research News]  Target tracking strategy in bats: Integration of echolocation and flight tactics

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 28-JUNE-2024, Target tracking strategy in bats: Integration of echolocation and flight tactics

Image Credit: Doshisha University
License type: For use in stories about this research, must credit "Doshisha Univ"

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-4QQc9g.html Spotlights Fri, 28 Jun 2024 17:08:07 +0900
[Research News] Efficient CO₂ Conversion to Fuels and Chemicals Using Ionic Liquid Electrolyte
20240327ResearchNews The CO₂ conversion process at the interface between DEME-BF₄ electrolytes containing Ca(OH)₂ aqueous solution and silver electrodes
  The production of hydrocarbons occurs through two intermediates formed on the surface of the silver electrode to produce useful hydrocarbons like ethylene, ethane, propylene, and propane.

The research team, led by Professor Takuya Goto and including Ms. Saya Nozaki from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering and Dr. Yuta Suzuki from the Harris Science Research Institute, discovered that combining ionic liquids electrolytes with metal hydroxides enables efficient electrochemical conversion of CO₂ to hydrocarbons.

The electrochemical conversion of captured carbon dioxide into fuels and chemicals offers a sustainable approach to reduce emissions. However, traditional methods rely on complex electrode designs. Goto and his team demonstrated a cost-effective approach using an ionic liquid combined with metal hydroxides as an electrolyte, enabling efficient conversion even on basic metal electrodes. With this electrolyte, they successfully produced propane and ethylene directly from CO₂ and H₂O, offering a cost-effective method for emissions reduction.

Saya Nozaki, Yuta Suzuki, Takuya Goto, Electrochemical synthesis of C₂ and C₃ hydrocarbons from CO₂ on an Ag electrode in DEME-BF₄ containing H₂O and metal hydroxides, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 493, 2024,144431.

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.  
Research News: Efficient CO₂ Conversion to Fuels and Chemicals Using Ionic Liquid Electrolyte

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 3-JUNE-2024, Efficient CO2 Conversion to Fuels and Chemicals Using Ionic Liquid Electrolyte

Image Credit:Takuya Goto from Doshisha University
License type: CC BY 4.0 DEED

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-eVQTFp.html Spotlights Mon, 03 Jun 2024 16:36:50 +0900
[Research News] Improving the Effectiveness of Earthquake Early Warning Systems
20240327ResearchNews Redesigning Emergency Alerts for a quicker response
Despite the widespread use of mobile phones for delivering emergency alerts, current systems do not prompt recipients to take protective action. By examining people's responses to alerts, the researchers propose several measures to enhance the effectiveness of alert systems.

Kazuya Nakayachi, a Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, and his colleagues propose improving phone alerts to enhance emergency response times based on their study of Japanese earthquake alert reactions.

The effectiveness of emergency alerts delivered to our phones depends on how quickly we take protective actions upon receiving them. In this study, Nakayachi and his colleagues examined the actions of people who received earthquake warnings on their phones and found that most did not take protective actions. They suggest that most people are not adequately trained to respond to such alerts and propose measures to improve the effectiveness of earthquake alerts.

Kazuya Nakayachi, Ryosuke Yokoi, James Goltz, Human behavioral response to earthquake early warnings (EEW): Are alerts received on mobile phones inhibiting protective actions?, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 105, 2024,104401, ISSN 2212-4209

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.  
[Research News] Improving the Effectiveness of Earthquake Early Warning Systems

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 21-MAY-2024, Improving the Effectiveness of Earthquake Early Warning Systems

Image Credit:Flash Flood Warning- Cell Phone Wireless Emergency Alert by Tony Webster
License type: CC BY 2.0


https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-gwD0MA.html Spotlights Tue, 21 May 2024 13:00:00 +0900
[Research News] Comparative Analysis of Robot-Assisted Language Learning Systems and Human Tutors in English Conversation Lessons
20240327ResearchNews To compare learning outcomes students were divided into two groups: (a) the human tutoring group and (b) the robot tutoring group (image on the right).
The group with the robot tutor made fewer errors and spoke more fluently than the group with human tutors, indicating the effectiveness of robot-assisted learning.

Takamasa Iio, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Culture and Information Science, showed that Robots play a significant role in repetitive practice for language learning. Still, human interaction is crucial for real-life language use.

Iio and his research team compared students' English-speaking abilities with current mainstream robot-assisted language learning (RALL) systems versus human tutors. They discovered that students had ample opportunities to practice speaking with the robots, feeling more at ease, resulting in fewer errors and improved fluency. These findings highlight the potential of incorporating RALL systems into teaching scenarios that are challenging for human tutors.

Iio, T., Yoshikawa, Y., Ogawa, K. et al. Comparison of Outcomes Between Robot-Assisted Language Learning System and Human Tutors: Focusing on Speaking Ability. Int J of Soc Robotics 16, 743–761 (2024).

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.  
[Research News] Comparative Analysis of Robot-Assisted Language Learning Systems and Human Tutors in English Conversation Lessons

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 10-MAY-2024, Comparative Analysis of Robot-Assisted Language Learning Systems and Human Tutors in English Conversation Lessons

Image Credit:Takamasa Iio from Doshisha University
License type: CC BY 4.0 DEED

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-G3wwGO.html Spotlights Wed, 15 May 2024 16:20:58 +0900
[Research News]Understanding the Crucial Role of Information Delivery in Improving Citizen Perceptions of Government Policy: Insights from Kyoto City
20240327ResearchNews Information Delivery is crucial to how citizens perceive Government action and policy
 Transparent government practices and communication can enhance citizen trust and foster a positive relationship between the government and citizens.

Yu Noda, Professor at the Graduate School of Policy Science, Faculty of Policy Studies, underscores the need for effective government communication to inform citizens about fiscal policies and improve transparency.

Effective communication between the government and citizens is necessary for good governance and civic engagement. A recent study conducted by Noda highlights how effective information delivery affects citizen trust, satisfaction, and perceptions of government finances. His findings not only point towards crucial directions for investigating the learning effects of information delivery by local governments but also advocate for effective strategies aimed at fostering positive relationships between citizens and governments through such endeavors.

Noda, Y. (2024). Information on local financial reforms and cognitive processes of citizens. International Review of Administrative Sciences.

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
[Research News] Understanding the Crucial Role of Information Delivery in Improving Citizen Perceptions of Government Policy: Insights from Kyoto City

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 9-MAY-2024, Understanding the Crucial Role of Information Delivery in Improving Citizen Perceptions of Government Policy: Insights from Kyoto City

Image Credit: "Kyoto City Government - panoramio" by ccfarmer 
License type:CC BY 3.0

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-xRqoSg.html Spotlights Thu, 09 May 2024 16:45:51 +0900
[Research News] Advancing Towards Sustainability: Turning Carbon Dioxide and Water into Acetylene
20240327ResearchNews The search for sustainable method to produce acetylene
Acetylene is widely used in across many industries, including the production of resins and plastics like PVC. Realizing an environmentally friendly technique to synthesize it would represent a massive step towards building sustainable societies.

A research team led by Yuta Suzuki, Assistant Professor at Harris Science Research Institute and Takuya Goto, Professor at the Department of Science of Environment and Mathematical Modeling, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, develop an environmentally friendly method to electrochemically synthesize an essential industrial gas.
Acetylene is an essential precursor in the production of resins and plastics such as PVC, as well as a useful gas in many industrial processes. However, its synthesis requires fossil fuels, making it environmentally taxing. Now, Suzuki, Goto and their research team have developed an innovative electrochemical technique to produce acetylene using carbon dioxide and water as raw materials. This method could greatly reduce the carbon footprint of acetylene synthesis and contribute to sustainable carbon capture technologies.

Suzuki Y., Tanaka S., Watanabe T., Isogai T., Yamauchi A., Kishikawa Y., Goto T. New Route of Acetylene Synthesis via Electrochemical Formation of Metal Carbides from CO2 in Chloride Melts (2024) ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 12 (5), pp. 2110 - 2119.
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c08139

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
[Research News] Advancing Towards Sustainability: Turning Carbon Dioxide and Water into Acetylene

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 27-MAR-2024, Advancing Towards Sustainability: Turning Carbon Dioxide and Water into Acetylene

Image Credit: Yuta Suzuki from Doshisha University, Japan
License type: CC BY

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-JOkHMG.html Spotlights Wed, 27 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0900
[Research News] Self-Emergence of Stational Periodic Arrangement of Dual Microdroplets Through Quasi One-Dimensional Confinement
Supplementary Cover_ACS Macro Lett.jpg (88048) Phase separation of a tripolymer solution in a capillary
Periodic alignment of binary polymer droplets is spontaneously formed via the microphase separation of a tripolymer solution in a capillary.

A research team led by Ph.D. student Mayu Shono and Professor Akihisa Shioi from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, preserved the alignment of microdroplets, revealing how biological molecules self-assemble and opening possibilities for creating artificial cells.

The self-organization of microdroplets in polymer systems due to phase separation holds potential for biological and medical applications. However, retaining the order aligned for long periods of time by keeping the uniformity and distances has been challenging. Now, researchers at Doshisha University have generated repetitive alignment of binary cell-sized droplets in a spontaneous manner and preserved them for eight hours by confining a tripolymer solution in a capillary, with implications for improving drug delivery and biological molecule production.

Shono M., Aburatani K., Yanagisawa M., Yoshikawa K., Shioi A. Periodic Alignment of Binary Droplets via a Microphase Separation of a Tripolymer Solution under Tubular Confinement (2024) ACS Macro Letters, pp. 207 - 211

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
Research News: Self-Emergence of Stational Periodic Arrangement of Dual Microdroplets Through Quasi One-Dimensional Confinement

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!”.
NEWS RELEASE 20-MAR-2024 Self-Emergence of Stational Periodic Arrangement of Dual Microdroplets Through Quasi One-Dimensional Confinement

Image Credit: ACS Macro Letters

License type: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-62VNPJ.html Spotlights Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0900
[Research News] Advancing Tissue Engineering with Shape Memory Hydrogels
DOSIU_38_Press_Release_Image.jpg (87810) Developing hydrogel scaffolds with tunable elastic modulus for tissue engineering
Researchers have developed a hydrogel composed of poly(N-acryloylglycinamide) (PNAGAm) grafted with arginine (R)–glycine (G)–aspartic acid (D)–serine (S) peptide whose elastic modulus can be changed by simply compressing it to different thicknesses.

A research team led by Assistant Professor Shin-nosuke Nishimura and Professor Tomoyuki Koga at the Department of Molecular Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, demonstrate a hydrogel system possessing the ability to remember its shape, offering a unique platform for controlling cell adhesion behavior.

Artificial scaffolds play an important role in tissue healing and growth. The properties of a scaffold, especially its elasticity, impact cell growth. However, adjusting the elasticity without altering composition and other properties has been challenging. Now, researchers at Doshisha University have successfully created a hydrogel with a tunable elastic modulus with the same composition. This breakthrough allows, for the first time, the control of cell adhesion on a hydrogel by adjusting the elastic modulus. Artificial scaffolds play an important role in tissue healing and growth. The properties of a scaffold, especially its elasticity, impact cell growth. However, adjusting the elasticity without altering composition and other properties has been challenging. Now, Nishimura and his colleagues have successfully created a hydrogel with a tunable elastic modulus with the same composition. This breakthrough allows, for the first time, the control of cell adhesion on a hydrogel by adjusting the elastic modulus.

Nishimura S.-N., Yoshida T., Higashi N., Koga T. Regulation of Cell Adhesion on Physically Crosslinked Hydrogels Composed of Amino Acid-Based Polymers by Changing Elastic Modulus Using Shape Fix/Memory Properties (2024) Advanced Materials Technologies

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
Research News: Advancing Tissue Engineering with Shape Memory Hydrogels

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!”.
NEWS RELEASE 13-MAR-2024 Advancing Tissue Engineering with Shape Memory Hydrogels

Image Credit: Umargani Jamal Mohamed from Openverse

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-j8LRHd.html Spotlights Fri, 15 Mar 2024 09:55:17 +0900
[Research News] Nature’s Sonar: Scientists Reveal How Japanese Horseshoe Bats Perceive Moving Objects
Image Proteostasis Investigating how Japanese horseshoe bats perceive moving objects.
Researchers from Doshisha University have found that horseshoe bats exhibit rapid changes in vocalizations and behavior primarily in response to Doppler shifts.

Soshi Yoshida, a PhD student, and Shizuko Hiryu, a Professor, both from the Neuroethology and Bioengineering Lab, the Graduate School of Life and Medical Science, and their research team reveal how Horseshoe Bats perceive moving objects such as their predator.
The unique echolocation ability of bats enables them to “see” using sound, allowing for quick detection and avoidance of approaching threats. They achieve this by discerning changes in the frequency of reflected soundwaves or the delay. However, the specific mechanism by which they recognize approaching objects has remained unclear. To find out, researchers simulated a moving object using soundwaves and discovered that bats utilize “Doppler shifts” or frequency changes to perceive approaching objects.

Soshi Yoshida, Kazuma Hase, Olga Heim, Kohta I. Kobayasi, and Shizuko Hiryu. 2024. Doppler detection triggers instantaneous escape behavior in scanning bats. iScience.

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
Research News: Nature’s Sonar: Scientists Reveal How Japanese Horseshoe Bats Perceive Moving Objects

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 28-FEB-2024 Nature’s Sonar: Scientists Reveal How Japanese Horseshoe Bats Perceive Moving Objects

Image Credit: Soshi Yoshida from Doshisha University, Japan
License type: CC BY 4.0

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-KLFPBC.html Spotlights Thu, 29 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0900
Doshisha Business School Acquires International Accreditation from AMBA!

first published on Dec. 20th, 2023


Doshisha Business School Acquires International Accreditation from AMBA!

Doshisha Business School (DBS, Graduate School of Business) obtained international accreditation for its MBA program from AMBA (The Association of MBAs: United Kingdom) on October 18, 2023. Established in 1967 in the UK, AMBA is one of the three most prestigious international accreditation bodies in the world, alongside AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business: United States) and EFMD (The European Foundation for Management Development: Belgium). As of October 2023, only about 2% of business schools worldwide, totaling 305 schools, have obtained international accreditation from AMBA. This achievement by Doshisha Business School marks only the fourth Business School in Japan to achieve AMBA accreditation, also making it the first AMBA accredited Business School in the Kansai region. Doshisha Business School (DBS) has formally established its world-class educational quality and research activities through the accreditation evaluation process by such a respected international third party. This international accreditation certifies that the education provided by DBS embodies the spirit of conscientious education and leverages the wisdom that blends Kyoto's tradition and innovation, nurturing leaders possessing high levels of integrity who can also contribute to the sustainable development of economies and societies globally. DBS will continue to utilize AMBA's global network to constantly improve the quality of education that is offered and aim to continue to improve the value that it provides to its students and alumni. Through its unique MBA program, offered in both Japanese and English, DBS promises to nurture leaders who will forge a new era and contribute to the creation of a better society.

AMBA Homepage

Doshisha Business School (DBS, Graduate School of Business) Homepage

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https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-DAMWRq.html Spotlights Mon, 26 Feb 2024 16:27:54 +0900
[Research News] Chemical Synthesis Using Titanium Dioxide: An Eco-Friendly and Innovative Approach
HitomiFig_outline.png Chemical Synthesis Transformed by Solar Light: An Eco-Friendly and Innovative Approach with Titanium Dioxide
A team of researchers now present an eco-friendly and innovative approach for the blue light-promoted synthesis of heterocyclic thiochromenopyrroledione derivatives catalyzed by titanium dioxide.

Hitomi Yutaka, a Professor, and Pijush Kanti Roy, a Ph.D. candidate, both from the Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, and their research team propose a new titanium dioxide-catalyzed strategy for synthesizing thiochromenopyrroledione derivatives in blue light.

Thiochromenopyrroledione derivatives, while not yet recognized as a primary structure in pharmaceuticals, contain sulfur, an element frequently found in many drugs, indicating their potential in medicinal applications. Recently, the researchers demonstrated that the blue-light irradiation of 4-substituted thioanisoles and N-substituted maleimides with titanium dioxide as a photocatalyst led to a dual carbon–carbon bond formation reaction. The study presents titanium dioxide as an eco-friendly catalyst for thiochromenopyrroledione derivatives synthesis and advances innovative methods for organic synthesis.


Kanti Roy P., Okunaka S., Tokudome H., Hitomi Y. Blue Light-Promoted Synthesis of Thiochromenopyrroledione Derivatives via Titanium Dioxide-Catalyzed Dual Carbon–Carbon Bond Formation with Thioanisole and Maleimide Derivatives (2023) Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202301021

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
Research News: Chemical Synthesis Using Titanium Dioxide: An Eco-Friendly and Innovative Approach

Image Credit: Professor Yutaka Hitomi from Doshisha University
License type: Original content
Usage restrictions: Cannot be used without permission.

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-EntwCy.html Spotlights Mon, 01 Jan 2024 14:00:00 +0900
[Research News] Reclaiming Carbon Fibers from Discarded Composite Materials
Image Proteostasis Carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) as energy-efficient structural materials.
Thanks to their light weight yet remarkable strength, the use of CFRPs in the automobile, aerospace, and renewable energy industries is soaring. However, this means finding effective ways to recycle the waste generated by CFRPs is essential to ensure sustainability in the long term.

Kiyotaka Obunai, an Associate Professor, and Kazuya Okubo, a Professor, both from the Department of Mechanical and Systems Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, have investigated how using superheated steam can help preserve the properties of fibers recovered from waste carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) via thermal decomposition.The demand for CFRPs for aerospace, automotive, and renewable energy applications has recently skyrocketed, creating the need for efficient ways to recycle these composites. Their findings could open doors to more sustainable manufacturing processes and a reduced environmental impact in industries reliant on CFRPs, contributing to a greener future.

Obunai K., Okubo K. Mechanical characteristics of reclaimed carbon fibre under superheated steam atmosphere and its feasibility for remanufacturing CFRP/CFRTP (2024) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 176, art. no. 107843
DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107843

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
Research News: Reclaiming Carbon Fibers from Discarded Composite Materials

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 16-NOV-2023: Reclaiming Carbon Fibers from Discarded Composite Materials

Image Credit: LunchboxLarry at Openverse
License type: CC BY 2.0


https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-VM0Gy2.html Spotlights Thu, 16 Nov 2023 14:00:00 +0900
[Research News] Study Reveals Novel Therapeutic Target to Eliminate Unwanted and Misfolded Proteins
Image Proteostasis Schematic representation of NRF1-triggered activation of aggrephagy mediated by impaired proteasome activity
The ubiquitin‒proteasome system (UPS) and autophagy are protein degradation pathways essential for maintaining protein balance and regulation, or proteostasis (left panel). When proteasome activity decreases because of several reasons including chemical inhibitors and aging, the transcription factor NRF1 gets activated, leading to the upregulation of proteasome gene expression (“the proteasome bounce-back response;” middle panel). Furthermore, complete proteasome dysfunction activates NRF1-mediated aggrephagy, inducing the expression of the aggrephagy-related genes p62 and GABARAPL1 (right). These cellular responses help combat proteasome dysfunction by maintaining proteostasis.

Atsushi Hatanaka, a graduate student, and Akira Kobayashi, a professor, both from the Laboratory for Genetic Code, Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences, and their research team discovered the hidden mechanism of "aggrephagy," with major implications for degenerative protein diseases.
In cells, the ubiquitin‒proteasome system (UPS) plays a key role in the elimination of unwanted or misfolded proteins. When UPS fails, cells activate a backup process called "aggrephagy" for clearing ubiquitin-tagged proteins. However, the associated mechanism behind this process remains unknown. Recently, Hatanaka, Kobayashi, and their colleagues have demonstrated how another protein called NRF1 facilitates aggrephagy, thereby providing new therapeutic targets for diseases resulting from misfolded proteins.
These findings pave the way toward developing novel therapeutics for degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and dementia with Lewy bodies.

Hatanaka A., Nakada S., Matsumoto G., Satoh K., Aketa I., Watanabe A., Hirakawa T., Tsujita T., Waku T., Kobayashi A. The transcription factor NRF1 (NFE2L1) activates aggrephagy by inducing p62 and GABARAPL1 after proteasome inhibition to maintain proteostasis (2023) Scientific Reports, 13 (1), art. no. 14405
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-41492-9

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
Research News: Study Reveals Novel Therapeutic Target to Eliminate Unwanted and Misfolded Proteins

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 4-OCT-2023 Study Reveals Novel Therapeutic Target to Eliminate Unwanted and Misfolded Proteins

Image Credit: Atsushi Hatanaka, Sota Nakada, Gen Matsumoto, Katsuya Satoh, Iori Aketa, Akira Watanabe, Tomoaki Hirakawa, Tadayuki Tsujita, Tsuyoshi Waku, and Akira Kobayashi
License type: CC BY 4.0

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-Jer1y7.html Spotlights Thu, 05 Oct 2023 10:34:06 +0900
[Research News] Unveiling the Science of Ultrasound-Driven Microbubble Desorption
TOC Molecular desorption from a microbubble under ultrasound irradiation.
The amount of molecular desorption can be estimated quantitatively by the proposed method.

A research team headed by Professor Daisuke Koyama and graduate student Ms. Reina Kobayashi, from the Faculty of Science and Engineering, reported, “novel measurement technique can help develop targeted therapeutic strategies that use microbubbles and ultrasound to deliver drugs to specific locations.”
Vascular drug therapies often lead to undesirable side effects on healthy tissues. Addressing this issue requires targeted drug delivery systems. They have recently developed an innovative approach for measuring the amount of molecules desorbed from the surface of individual microbubbles when irradiated with ultrasound. Using this technique, they analyzed the desorption process in detail, revealing insights that could enable the design of next-generation drug delivery systems based on drug-loaded microbubbles and ultrasound.

I Kobayashi R., Narita J., Nakaoka N., Krafft M.P., Koyama D. Quantitative estimation of phospholipid molecules desorbed from a microbubble surface under ultrasound irradiation (2023) Scientific Reports, 13 (1), art. no. 13693.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-40823-0

For more details, please see the website of Organization for Research Initiatives and Development, Doshisha University.
Research News: Unveiling the Science of Ultrasound-Driven Microbubble Desorption

This achievement has also been featured in the “EurekAlert!.”
NEWS RELEASE 21-SEP-2023 Unveiling the Science of Ultrasound-Driven Microbubble Desorption

Image Credit:Daisuke Koyama and Reina Kobayashi
License type: Original content

https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/en/news/detail/001-shhp5F.html Spotlights Thu, 21 Sep 2023 13:30:00 +0900