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Faculty Calendar

Faculty Calendar

Please see below for specific dates.
2024 Lecture Schedule(Updated on Apr. 4)

April 4, 2024
The date for Monday of the 14th week of the Fall semester in the "2024 Lecture Schedule" was incorrect.The file has been replaced. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Spring Semester(2024)

April 1(Mon) Start of Spring Semester / Spring Semester Convocation Ceremony
April 2(Tue)-10(Wed) Course guidance for new students
April 4(Thu)-10(Wed) On-demand classes  (DO Week)
April 8(Mon)-9(Tue) Course registration *1
April 11(Thu) Face-to-face classes  begin 
April 26(Fri) Deadline for payment of Spring Semester fees 
April 29(Mon)-May 5(Sun) Holidays 
May 6(Mon) Substitute holiday (classes held as usual)
July 15(Mon) Marine Day (classes held as usual) 
July 17(Wed) Last day of  Face-to-face classes 
July 18(Thu) Final examinations begin 
July 31(Wed) Final examinations end 
August 1(Thu) Spare day for Final examinations
Summer Recess begins
August 1(Thu)-7(Wed) Spring Intensive Lectures
September 12(Thu) Summer Recess ends
September 13(Fri) Grade Notification *2 
September 20(Fri) End of Spring Semester 
September 28(Sat) Spring Semester Commencement
Ceremony for Bestowing Degrees

Fall Semester(2024)

September 21(Sat) Start of Fall Semester
Fall Semester Convocation Ceremony
September 24(Tue)-30(Mon) On-demand classes (DO Week) 
September 26(Thu)-27(Fri) Changes to course registration accepted
October 1(Tue) Face-to-face classes begin
October 14(Mon) National Sports Day(classes held as usual) 
October 31(Thu) Deadline for payment of Fall Semester fees 
November 2(Sat)-3(Sun) Doshisha Clover Festival 
November 3(Sun) Sports Festival 
November 4(Mon) Substitute holiday (university holiday) 
November 23(Sat) Labor Thanksgiving Day (university holiday) 
November 26(Tue)-28(Thu) Doshisha EVE (no classes) 
November 29(Fri) Anniversary of Establishment (university holiday)
December 24(Tue) Winter Recess begins 
December 25(Wed) Christmas Day (university holiday) 
January 5(Sun) Winter Recess ends 
January 6(Mon) Face-to-face classes recommence 
January 13(Mon) Coming - of - age Day (university holiday)
January 20(Mon) Last day of  Face-to-face classes 
January 21(Tue) Final examinations begin 
January 23(Thu) Founder’s Day 
February 10(Mon) Final examinations end 
February 12(Wed)-18(Tue) Fall Intensive Lectures
Beginning of March
Graduation results announced
March 14(Fri)
Grade Notification *3 
March 20(Thu)-22(Sat)
Fall Semester Commencement
Ceremony for Bestowing Degrees
March 31(Mon)
End of Fall Semester 

※ The 15th week on-demand classes will be delivered before the end of each semester's grading.

*1 Depending on year of entry to the University, registration days and time will vary.
The advanced registration period is held between the Grade Notification day and
the course registration period for students enrolled in or before 2023, and
between the Convocation Ceremony and the course registration period
for students enrolled in 2024.

*2 The advanced registration period is held between the Grade Notification day
and the period for course changes.

*3 The advanced registration period is held between the Grade Notification day
and the course registration period in April of the next academic year.

Spring Semester(2023)

April, 2023 1 (Sat) Start of Spring Semester / Spring Semester Convocation Ceremony
2 (Sun) Course guidance for new students
3 (Mon)
4 (Tue) Course guidance for new students
Course registration *1
5 (Wed)
6 (Thu)
7 (Fri) Course guidance for new students
8 (Sat) Classes begin
28 (Fri) Deadline for payment of Spring Semester fees
29 (Sat)~ Holidays
May ~5 (Fri) Holidays
July 17 (Mon) Marine Day (classes held as usual)
28 (Fri) Last day of classes
29 (Sat) Final examinations begin
August 10 (Thu) Final examinations end
11 (Fri) Spare day for Final examinations
Summer Recess begins
September 7 (Thu) Summer Recess ends
8 (Fri) Grade Notification *2
20 (Wed) End of Spring Semester
23 (Sat) Spring Semester Commencement
Ceremony for Bestowing Degrees

Fall Semester(2023)

September 21 (Thu) Start of Fall Semester / Fall Semester Convocation Ceremony
21 (Thu) Changes to course registration accepted
22 (Fri)
25 (Mon) Classes begin
October 9 (Mon) National Sports Day(classes held as usual)
31 (Tue) Deadline for payment of Fall Semester fees
November 3 (Fri) Culture Day (university holiday)
4 (Sat) Doshisha Clover Festival
5 (Sun)
5 (Sun) Doshisha Clover Festival
Sports Festival
23 (Thu) Labor Thanksgiving Day (university holiday)
26 (Sun) Doshisha EVE (no classes)
27 (Mon)
29 (Wed) Anniversary of Establishment (university holiday)
December 23 (Sat) Winter Recess begins
25 (Mon) Christmas Day (university holiday)
January, 2024 8 (Mon) Winter Recess ends
8 (Mon) Coming - of - age Day (university holiday)
9 (Tue) Classes recommence
23 (Tue) Founder’s Day
29 (Mon) Last day of classes
30 (Tue) Final examinations begin
February 12 (Mon) Substitute holiday (examination date)
17 (Sat) Final examinations end
March Beginning of March Graduation results announced
15 (Fri) Grade Notification *3
20 (Wed) Fall Semester Commencement / Ceremony for Bestowing Degrees
21 (Thu)
22 (Fri)
31 (Sun) End of Fall Semester

*1 The general registration period is held on the designated day during this period.
Depending on year of entry to the University, registration days and time will vary.
The advanced registration period is held between the Grade Notification day and
the course registration period for students enrolled in or before 2022, and
between the Convocation Ceremony and the course registration period
for students enrolled in 2023.

*2 The advanced registration period is held between the Grade Notification day
and the period for course changes.

*3 The advanced registration period is held between the Grade Notification day
and the course registration period in April of the next academic year.