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Interact Enjoy We'll hold an event "Interecultural exchange through tea ceremony" (SIED)

Nov.30,2023 Update
Let's make a 'Christmas tree
We will hold an event 【Interecultural exchange through tea ceremony】.

Would you like to casually experience the traditional Japanese culture of the tea ceremony?
In this event, with the cooperation of the Seihokai(the Omotesenke Tea Ceremony Club of Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts), you will experience a tea ceremony as a guest.
You will also learn about the history of the tea ceremony and the basic manners of the tea ceremony!Let's have an international exchange through the tea ceremony!
We're looking forward to your application!

【How to apply】
Pre-application is required for this event.
To apply for the event, please fill in the following application form.
Application Form

  • Interecultural exchange through tea ceremony
Interecultural exchange through tea ceremony FLYER PDF

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DateDecember 20th(Wed.), 2023 15:00-16:10
VenueDoshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, Kyotanabe campus
Admission300 yen
Open to10 Doshisha students *Participants will be picked by lottery.
ApplicationRequired *Please apply from the application form.
Application Deadline: December 6th(Wed.) 
Contact Office of International Students, International Center (KYOTANABE)
Telephone : +81-774-65-7453
E-mail: jt-sied@mail.doshisha.ac.jp
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