- Introduction to Japanese Culture in the Global Context
- Introduction to Japanese Society in the Global Context
- Introduction to the Nature of Japan and Asia in the Global Context
- Humanities and Global Issues
- Social Sciences and Global Issues
- Natural Sciences and Global Issues
- Japan in Modern World History
- International Relations in the Postwar Era
- Issues in Japanese Culture
- Democracy and Politics : A Comparative Perspective
- Education in the Age of Globalization
- Issues in Intercultural Communication
- Economy and Business in the Global Context 1
- Economy and Business in the Global Context 2
- Critical Social Issues in Contemporary Japan 1
- Critical Social Issues in Contemporary Japan 2
- The Divisions of Identity in Society
- Statistics for the Social Sciences and Humanities
- Introduction to Computer Science and Information Technology
- Human Science in the Global Age
- Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis
- Conservation of Japanese Nature and Environment
- Mathematics and its History
- Science of Natural Disasters
- Principles of Economics
- Environmental Economics and Sustainability
- Japanese Thought and Religion 1
- Japanese Thought and Religion 2
- Tradition and Art in Japan 1
- Tradition and Art in Japan 2
- Japan Today 1
- Japan Today 2
- Advanced Seminar 1
- Advanced Seminar 2
- Advanced Seminar 3
- 日本とアジア1 ―日中文化交流
- 日本とアジア2 ―近代とは何か?
- 日本の伝統と美 ―いけばなの語るもの
- 日本の伝統と文化 ―日本人の見た花の美しさ
- 日本の伝統と文化 ―着物
- 日本の伝統と芸能 ―雅楽
- 日本の伝統と能楽 ―能楽を通してみる日本の伝統文化
- 日本の伝統と芸術 ―日本美の位相
- 日本とアジア2 ―日韓文化交流 (コリア語)
- 日本の伝統と芸能 ―仮名手本忠臣蔵を読む (コリア語)