


同志社大学は、「一国の良心とも謂ふ可き人々」の養成を掲げた創立者・新島襄の志を受け、「良心教育」を建学の精神としています。19世紀末に「良心」という訳語を与えられた英語のconscienceの原義は、「共に知る」ということです。 我々は、「良心教育」の実践による多様性と寛容に満ちたキャンパスで、異なる考え方や価値観を共に知ることにより、本学構成員が互いを理解し合い、一人ひとりを大切に思うことができる機会を創出してきました。このことは、創立10周年記念演説において、「諸君ヨ人一人ハ大切ナリ」の言葉を残した新島の思いに通じています。 上記のような建学の精神と歴史とを踏まえ、自身と異なる価値観や境遇を持つ他者を理解し、共生、共存する中で、その違いを新たな創造へ導く力を持つ人物を養成するため、本学は、引き続き以下の取組を行って、ダイバーシティを推進します。




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Doshisha University Diversity Statement

Joseph Hardy Neesima founded Doshisha University on the principle of “the education of conscience”: in other words, the ultimate goal of a Doshisha education was to be the cultivation of “human beings who may be called the conscience of the nation.” The original meaning of the word “conscience” is “to know together.” Accordingly, an “education of conscience” strives to create an open and diverse campus environment where members of the university community are given opportunities to learn about each other’s different values and perspectives, deepen mutual understanding, and develop a mindset of respecting and caring about each other. This idea is reflected in the words of Neesima in his address on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the University: “each and every person is precious.” Honoring this founding spirit and history, and with the aim of developing in the members of our university community the ability to understand and coexist with others who are the products of different backgrounds and values in order to develop new creative ideas out of such differences, we promote diversity through the the following initiatives:

1.Aiming to promote a campus environment where members of the university community coming from diverse backgrounds can learn and work together, regardless of nationality, gender, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, language, culture, religion, ideas, and beliefs.
2.Aiming to create an inclusive environment that ensures equal opportunity for all members of the diverse Doshisha community to fully demonstrate their individual abilities in education, research and other areas of activity.
3.Providing systematic support to those who require reasonable accommodation, and in so doing, promoting the development of understanding of the necessity of removing social barriers.
4.Promoting activities to raise awareness of the importance of diversity so as to cultivate individuals with a mindset that respects the human rights of every person.