Student Life Top Page
Supporting each student with a comprehensive system
The University has a comprehensive system in place to carefully support each student’s life and personal growth.
- Student Support Services Center (in Japanese)
- Scholarships (in Japanese)
- Division of Student Diversity and Accessibility Support
(in Japanese)
- Support Office for Student Volunteer Activities
(in Japanese)
Initiatives to promote diversity at Doshisha University
Based on its founding spirit and history, Doshisha University promotes a diversity campus to foster individuals who understand others having different values and circumstances from their own, and who have the ability to guide those differences to new creations through coexistence.
Doshisha University Diversity Promotion Declaration (in Japanese)
Student Support
The University provides a wide variety of support for daily campus life, including support for students with disabilities, volunteer support, awareness-raising activities, and special programs, as well as support for athletic and cultural club activities, in which many students participate.
Student Life Support
Not only multifaceted support for daily campus life, such as housing search, part-time work, and scholarships, but also physical and mental health care support is available.
Programs based on Christian principles
The University offers various programs to expose students to “Christian principles,” one of its educational philosophies.