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Double Degree Program

Double Degree Program

Asia & Oceania
North, Central & South America

*For further details, please visit the website of respective Faculties/Graduate Schools.


Country/Region Partner Institution Location Faculty/Graduate School
Date of Conclusion
Austria Technische Universität Wien Wien Faculty and Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Faculty and Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
Belgium Université de MONS Mons Faculty and Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Faculty and Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
France Groupe des Écoles Centrales Faculty and Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Faculty and Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
École Centrale de Lille Lille
École Centrale de Lyon Lyon
École Centrale de Marseille Marseille
École Centrale de Nantes Nantes
CentraleSupélec Paris
IMT École Nationale Superieure des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux Albi Faculty and Graduate School of Science and Engineering
École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille Lille Faculty and Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Faculty and Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris Paris Faculty and Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Faculty and Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
L'École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Paris Graduate School of Global Studies
Italy Politecnico di Milano Milano Faculty and Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Faculty and Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
Spain ETSI Industriales and ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid Faculty and Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Faculty and Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
Switzerland Faculty of Law, University of Zurich Zürich Graduate School of Law
UK Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Leeds Leeds Graduate School of Law

Asia & Oceania

Country/Region Partner Institution Location Faculty/Graduate School
Date of Conclusion
China China University of Political Science and Law Beijing Graduate School of Law
Law School, Renmin University of China Beijing Graduate School of Law
Graduate School, Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School, Xidian University Xi'an Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Taiwan School of Law, Soochow University Taipei Graduate School of Law
Thailand Faculty of Law, Thammasat University Bangkok Graduate School of Law

North, Central & South America

Country/Region Partner Institution Location Faculty/Graduate School
Date of Conclusion
USA James E. Rogers College of Law, The University of Arizona  Arizona Faculty of Law
Michigan State University College of Law Michigan Law School
Europe  Africa Middle East  Asia Oceania  North, Central South America  Double Degree Program